Pecan trees can either be planted for aesthetic purposes or for profit accruing from selling pecans. One can either choose to plant pecan seedlings or purchase already planted pecan trees from plant nurseries or other garden supply stores. For the amateur pecan tree farmers, there are a few factors to consider when buying pecan trees.
- Pecan trees are known to self-fertilize. However, cross-pollination has been known to yield large harvest. Therefore when buying pecan trees you should consider purchasing both male and female trees to aid in cross- pollination.
- Research further on the climate in your area. Once identified, the next step is to research on what pecan tree varieties would thrive in that particular climate.
- You can now choose your variety of pecan tree. While deciding on what variety to choose consider factors such as the time of harvest, the type of nuts produced, how the nuts will be used etc.
- Research the type of pests and diseases that may affect pecan trees in your locality and find pre-emptive measures on how to curb them. Also, consult with the person selling the pecan trees on how best to take care of the trees once you reach home. Consider aspects such as what type of soil to use, fertilizers that work best for pecan trees etc.
- You should also consider if the pecan trees are easy to transplant. If you consider bare-root pecan trees, make sure they are almost eight feet tall to make them easy to transplant.
- Also consider overcrowding as a factor when purchasing pecan trees from your local nursery. To avoid this make sure you choose the trees that have thinned out. Once the tree is transplanted on your yard, make sure it’s constantly watered so that it can re-establish itself accordingly.
- The best trees that make transplanting easy are those already in containers. The best way to introduce the trees to your yard would be during winter or fall. When transplanting, make sure you mix the soil from your yard with the medium used to grow the tree in the container to guarantee proper thriving.
- Check the soil in the container used to grow the pecan tree. Stay away from those with dry soil since the roots may not have grown properly or could be damaged during germination. Always go for containers that have been watered properly since this will make transplanting to your yard easier.
- Before purchasing a pecan tree from your local nursery, assess it properly to determine that there is no mold or spores that may hamper the long-term performance of the tree. Also, you should buy a tree that has a strong trunk since the leaves may have been pruned to promote proper growth.
Once you have bought the pecan tree, remember to transplant it away from buildings since the taproots may become extensive with time. Also water the tree consistently to improve its performance in your yard and guarantee an abundant harvest.